Sunday, June 1, 2008


From my hike to Twin Falls on Saturday. This shot was an after-thought, almost not taken just because this is an every-day scene in a NW forest. This is sooc. Tall trees above and ferns below, and old-growth everywhere.
Ferns growing on the side of an old-growth tree: Also sooc.
Another "just forest" shot, sooc, with the kind of "remains" that woodpeckers love:


Margaret said...

These are just incredibly beautiful. Love the green!

pat said...

ML, so nice! Love the bokeh on the fern-bedecked trunk; it's a perfect offset to the browns of the fronds. You're right; these shots are so everyday typical that we tend to overlook them.

Mom2Drew said...

I always said if I couldn't live in Colorado (which I do), I'd live there...I love how green everything is all the time. Beautiful!

Mandy said...

I just love the greens and browns here! The last shot with all of the ferns and under growth just looks awesome!

Jess said...

These are awesome! This plave just feels so magical to me. I love seeing your and Pat's views on the same places!

Chell said...

oh so so pretty. you really did a great job capturing the scenery. It ;looks almost mystical

Becky said...

One of my favorite things in the world to do is walk through the forest. Thanks for taking me on your hike virtually. :-)

jewels said...

I just love how you shot those is perfect composition to draw your eye into the photo, and then take a walk through all of them!
