Monday, June 9, 2008


"Nice pedestal" remarked my DD! This is actually right after I finished the arrangement and it is on a very old garage stool. Someone who came to our DgrS's Eagle Court pointed to the huge arrangement I had done and asked if I could make a similar one "in that vase" for a certain senior graduation program. So, the event was last night, and this is the arrangement, about 3 1/2 feet tall.

Do you see the difference in the two? Unfortunately, after a week of pounding rain, it was still coming down when I had to cut the flowers on Saturday. I feared for the life of each flower - they were so soggy and lifeless! (And so was I, after being in fields and forest to prune!) So, by the time the flowers got to the event, about 1/3rd of them had shrivveled up.
Here, the large one is actually quite a bit in the background, not on the pulpit as it appears:


Lynda said...

beautiful arrangement! hard to imagine so much rain in june . . . and how sad to know its effect on the flowers - but they still looked gorgeous. hope you can take some time off for a little bit . . .

pat said...

ML, the arrangement turned out beautifully! The blue Hungarian vase is absolutely perfect with the colors that you used. I still am amazed that you can glean all that! Gorgeous!!!

Amy said...
