Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weekly challenge: Faith

I really like that Pat used the interiors of tulips for an example of God's creative details in His handiwork. So, I am posting a tulip from a different, more common view. Except I loved capturing it at sunrise. The way it is illuminated, as if from the inside, and the way it is open to the early light reminds me that we can always get nourishment if we face the light from above.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Ooops, I forgot that we are going to be gone for a couple of days - R&R, so I am adding a few more on this fun asssignment.
This first one is one of our favorite sights: new growth on the tip of every single limb on a fir tree. The color is always so vibrant, plus it is as soft as a feather to the touch.
Northwest again: the ever-present wild fern.
Drop in sedum leaf. There was nothing to reflect except itself, so I tried for an abstract jewel.
When I think of "green", this is the first shot that comes to my mind: a grape arbor of a friend who lives in the next little town.


This was taken 2 evenings ago, from our front porch. Boy, was I in a hurry to switch out lenses. Two unique things about this rainbow: it is so very low; and I really like that there is still snow, above the rainbow! sooc

Monday, March 17, 2008


These are more botanicals. The first is a backlit palm leaf. I see I made a little mistake by putting a fuzzy green border on it - kinda' makes the rest look soft too, but it really wasn't!
This one is still-wet seaweed on the sand, verrrrry close-up. So close, my knees were in squishy stuff. Both are sooc,

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Yay - I love green things; usually so refreshing!

Since this is the change-of-theme- day and I was unable to post only a couple animals last week, am adding this elephant seal for today. This was taken on the southern Oregon coast.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


There are no exciting animals loose in our neighborhood today! So, these are from my files. While walking on a very remote beach in southern Oregon, my sister nearly stepped onto this newborn seal because his camoflage, from above, looked like just another rock. I was below by several feet, so was able to get two quick pics off before we moved hurridly away. We did not want to upset the natural way of things before the mother got back from feeding. What a sweetie, huh?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Our sweet, sweet cat has not left my bed all this time I have been quarrantined! So, my first photos must honor her. Plus, she is the only thing available for a shut-in to photograph! ML