Friday, July 25, 2008


This is Nature at work. The coastal seastar, below was relaxing in the outgoing tide. This photo was taken with it underwater in a shallow tidepool:
Here, it begins attaching itself to a rock covered with mussels. Such rocks are exposed only on an extremely low, or minus tide:
This is a close-up of the same thing: the seastar will "capture" a mussel and make a meal of it. The time it takes to do that could be clear until the next low tide:


Suzy said...

Very cool shots!

pat said...

Very nice, ML!! Color me green. Tidepooling, you lucky thing! Can't get over the clarity here--were you using a polarizer?

♥ Amy said...

So interesting! We have a dead starfish, so my kids were amazed to see yours and how it moves. That third shot is fantastic!

Jess said...

These are SO COOL! I have never seen a live starfish except in aquariums. You are lucky to be able to see things like this in nature!

Rachael said...

Cool shots! I love the Oregon coast, there are so many cool things in the tide pools!

Mandy said...

What a LUCKY find. I live in Maine and have seen very few of those. So beautiful, and I love how you kept them natural. Really lovely.