Friday, July 18, 2008


I am far, far from my PC with its collection of my landscapes; I have brought a new laptop to the southern Oregon coast to my sister's summer home. So, mostly I will have "sea"/landscapes for the rest of this week for the challenge.
These were both taken at sunrise this morning from the bluff on my sister's property, in front of their house.

It was a minus low tide:


♥ Amy said...

I love how the waves reflect the light in that first one. I hope your sister is feeling better very soon.

Kristen Wagner Penn said...

Wow, very pretty! I love that first shot.

pat said...

OOOOOHHHHHHHH. Sigh. You can post seascapes to your (my) heart's content!!! I am imagining myself there, looking at the seastacks. Hope C is feeling better SOON!!