Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Lions 'n Tigers 'n Bears...Oh my!"

Finally! Pat and I were well enough to go on our first photo outing in weeks 'n weeks. We chose the zoo because we could sit in the shade as often as we needed. So, the lions were sleeping out of sight, but I did get the "Tigers 'n Bears" and the "oh my"s:

" wouldn't be following me, now would you?":
"I don't care how sappy I look; I love this water on a hot day!": (This bear was behind smudgy glass)


"Boy, did hat feel good!":

This baby gorilla was behind glass - phooey. He looks like he is reaching for help, but oh no! He could scamper like a pro clear to the top:

I call this, "Happy Anniversary!":


pat said...

OH! YOur tigers turned out so well, considering the bodies you had to shoot around and through. Nice work! My "anniversary" flamingoes will be up tomorrow, I think.

Jess said...

Gorgeous! The tigers look like they are about to make you their next meal in a couple of those shots, LOL! LOVE the pink flamingoes... those are my faves when I go to the zoo and yet I never seem to get a decent shot of them!

Angela2932 said...

Oh, my! You were sick too? I'm glad you're feeling better! And the bears and tigers do look like they're taking some very calculating glances your way!

Suzy said...

Awesome shots!

Lou said...

Those are fun shots! Glad you girls were able to get out for a bit. I love the one of the bear shaking off the water.

Lynda said...

you have totally captured what I consider the "mood" and "personality" of the bear!!! I love it!! He seemed quite content to just sit there and cool off. thank you for posting these, it has been far too long since we all took enjoyment in your talents.


Lynda said...

the middle one of the tiger is the EXACT look Aslan gives us when he's annoyed and doesn't want anything infringing on his "cat-i-ness".