Sunday, August 17, 2008


I have missed the opportunity to post for this theme all week, so here I am on the very last day. Therefore, I have a variety of reflected objects, all straight out of the camera, and hand-held. The first one is ancient architecture reflected in modern:

This is a local scene; Mt. Si reflected in the old mill pond on a blah-weather day:
Piers look twice as long as they really are:
The last 2 are Cranes! I love that they are the same color and position. This is actually a blue heron:
And this, a construction crane on a sunny day:


pat said...

Nice ML! I really love the last crane; the reflection turns all the angles in it into lacework. My favorite has to be the old steeple reflected in the modern building--just lovely. Such an arresting juxtaposition.

Lynda said...

I really love the juxtaposition of the "old and new" reflections. Thought-provoking as well as beautiful. You truly take extraordinary pictures, and see things that we just too often pass by. Bravo!

Lynda said...

Love the crane!!! the blue heron that is! I love to see wildlife entering more into your repertoire of pictures!


I do like the other crane too :-)